Saturday, 30 July 2011

11. NIS (Network Information Systems) - Real Time

11. NIS (Network Information Systems)

NIS: Centralizing the users, passwords, hosts & networks.

Issue 1: How to update the newly added users (or mapping information)
A: cd var/yp/usr/ccs/bin/make

Issue 2: When NIS user unable to login?
 A: simply I check out the user, pwds

Issue 3: disable the NIS services?
A: simply start and stop the services which are related to NIS (or)
Simply update the maps.
NOTE: In my organization LDAP configuration used so very less to get the problems

-          NIS information stored in ‘nis maps’
-          All maps located in ‘/var/yp/domain name’ file
-          Configure the maps on server
#ypint  -m

10. Zones (Real Time)

10. Zones
Note: till now I did not get any issues on zones.
Two commands
# zoneadm
# zonecfg                    (create/delete the zone)

-          we can create upto 8192 zones bt editing the file
-          # cat /kernel/drv/md.conf
 nmd = 8192 ( by default nmd=128)

two types of zones
1. global zones
2. non global zones

-          global zone id always zero ‘0’
-          # zoneadm list –vc
-          Id =0
Two types of non global zones
  1. whole root zone (morethan 300MB)
  2. sparse root zone (100MB)

zone stages:
  1. configuration – incomplete
  2. install
  3. ready – running
  4. shutdown (halt)
for config 4 command
  1. create
  2. install
  3. ready
  4. boot

for unconfig
  1. halt
  2. uninstalled
  3. delete

Issue 1:
Reboot the zone when patches are applied to non – global zone

Container: adding the hard ware resources to the zone

Branded zone: we can install other OS to zone also instead of one OS

Zone config file:
# cd /etc/zones
# ls

Zone login console:
# zlogin –C orazone                (C : console
# zonename                 ( to find out which zone)

From global rebooting non-global
# zoneadm –z orazone reboot
# arp –a           (to see the IP address of global from non global)
# arp –a | grep –i SP

Passwd breaking for non-global zone:

# cd /zoneconfig FS name
# cd /root
# vi etc/shadow
And remove the passwd fields

To see what ever config in zone till now:
# zonecfg –z arazone info

Adding ‘FS’ to zone:

To remove the FS resource
# zonecfg –z orazone remove fs dir=/zz
# zonecfg –z orazone info
# zonecfg –z orazone

LOFS: loop back file system:
Giving the multiple mount points to a single file system

How to add:
# zonecfg –z orazone
Zone: orazone> add
Add attr add copped-memory  add net add fs

Client system (NFS)

# mkdir /nn
# mount –F nfs /sai  /nn
# showmount –e
# df –F nfs

Issue 1:
ü  Deamons
ü  Versions -4
ü  How to share the resources (or) files (or) directories
ü  How to permanent the share files & directories in server

Client side:
How to mount the shared files & directories in client
How to permanent

Issue 2: already shared files & directories, if we unshared it will throw
Client side: RPC timed out, can’t stat error
That time we can’t share
Cant statvfs: /nn: no such file /directory
And some times there may be a chance to hang the output of df –h (or) df –k.

A: simply I checked out the NFS shared file information
Simply I checkedout etc/vfstab
If NFS shared file

# shareall on client & server side
# svcs –a | grep nfs/client
# svcadm enable nfs/client

Restart the deamon nfs4cbd

From # cd /usr/lib/nfs
# ./nfs4cbd                  (it will run for communicate server to client
# ./nfs4cbd start

To see mount points of client from server side
# dfmounts

9. NFS (Network File System) - Real Time

                                    9. NFS (network file system)
1. # cat /etc/dfs/fstype
2. # cat /etc/dfs/sharetab         (like mnttab)
3. # cat /etc/dfs/dfstab                        (like vfstab)

To see deamons of nfs:
# ps –ef | grep nfs

# share                         // read the entries from /sharetab
# shareall                     // read the entries from /dfstab

When we apply #share, then /sharetab automatically updates.

To make read only:
# share –F nfs –o ro /sai
# share

Issue 1:
If service is disable, it will not share
A: check out the services of NFS &
#svcs –a |grep nfs
If network pbm:

# svcadm enable network/nfs/server

If deamon pbm:
Just start the deamon

# cd /usr/lib/nfs
# file mountd

To see port num
# netstat –a | grep –i nfs

8. Patch Management (Real Time)

8. Patch management
# showrev –p

To know NIC speed
# dladm show-dev
#ndd –get /dev/e1000g0 link-speed
#ndd –get /dev/e1000g0 link-status

#ndd –get /dev/e1000g0 \?     //to see all options \?

Assigning the IP:
To findout the nic information
# cat /etc/path_to_inst  | grep –i net
# dladm show-dev

Assigning the IP & plumb:
# ifconfig e1000g0 plumb
#ifconfig –a
# ifconfig e1000g0
# ifconfig e1000g0 up

Unplumbed IP
# ifconfig –a
# ifconfig e1000g0  down
# ifconfig e1000g0  unplumb

To permanent the IP address

We need to edit 4 files
  1. #cat /etc/hosts
  2. # cat /etc/inet/ipnodes
  3. # cat /etc/nodename
  4. # cat /etc/hostname.nicname
# cat /etc/hostname.e1000g0

To see all ports:
# netstat -a

7. Package Management ( Real Time)

7. Package mangement

# pkginfo        
# which format
# pkgchk –l –p /usr/bin/format      (bin: shows which pkg required
# cd /var/sadm/pkg
#cd /var/spool/pkg
# cat /etc/release

6. Swap Management ( Real Time)

6. Swap management

Issue 1: the server went down or hangs.
A: go to console, check the error messages, and reboot

Issue 2: why the server slower down?
  1. # vmstat
It checks the page in & page out size.
Page in should be more size than page out.
If page out size is more, then it means page out didn’t release memory to swap.
# ps –ef | grep 1255
If root
# kill -9 1255
# kill –HUP 1255 (HUP for refresh)
Note: In root mostly java or oracle process runs, so kill that.

Note : if other applications inform them

# top (or) # prstat –a
It shows max memory occupied application. Then submit/inform report to the desired applications. Mostly /oracle, /java applications
If it is ‘root’ issue then delete the old files & compress the unuse files

To display volume table of content (vtoc)
# prtvtoc /dev/rdsk/c0d0s2

To display only CPU utilization:
# prstat –s CPU –n 10