2. Zones

Zones : It means virtualization, that is installing an OS into an existing OS.

Types of Zones:
1. Global Zone: It is a default zone which is created automatically when install the OS.
2. Non-Global Zone: It is a virtual zone, i.e. the OS which is installed into a existing OS.

Types of Non-global zone:
1. Whole root zone: If you copy all the packages required for zone from global zone is called whole root zone. For whole root zone minimum space required should be 4GB.
2. Sparse root zone: If a zone is created by taking limited packages from global zone is called sparse root zone.

Different states of the zone:
1. Configured State: When you create a zone & the zone for which some parameters have been committed then the state of the zone will be configured.
2. Installed State: After creating a zone when you initialized the packages into the zone then the state of the zone will be installed.
3. Ready State: The zone that is configured & the virtual plat form has been associated with the installed zone and a unique ID will be associated to the zone.
4. Running State: The zone which is associated & which is in running condition is called Running State.

Important points:
1. The default zone is Global zone.
2. The non-global zone can be created only from global zone.
3. The global zone will be having the entire information about the hardware architecture.
4. The global zone ID is always zero(0).
5. The global & non-global zone can communicate with each other.
6. We can create or delete a non-global zone only from global zone.
7. One non-global zone can't create another non-global zone.
8. Two non-global zones can communicate with each other, but one non-global zone will not be having information about the other non global zone.
9. The non-global zone which created from global zone will be of same OS. i.e Homogeneous, doesn't support heterogeneous.